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The Main Goal in Life

Writer: parabhairavayogaparabhairavayoga

Updated: Dec 21, 2024

The main goal in life is not business, having a family, achieving fame, prestige, etc. Not at all. The entire universe was created by the Supreme Lord only to recognize Himself through it.

A disciple must grasp this point if he wants to attain final liberation. I am not saying that one has to abandon his job, family, etc. NO. But in order of importance, final liberation also known as Self-realization or recognition of one's own true nature MUST come first at all times.

The Guru and his teachings will not be added to the ordinary life of the disciple, as a secondary aspect, but on the contrary, the ordinary life of the disciple will be added to the Guru and his teachings.

That which is superior must always come in the first place or no final liberation will happen to the disciple. The real disciple understood all that, of course, and he is ready for receiving the instruction from the Guru about the Highest Reality.

Nobody else but a person like him is ready for being taught by a genuine Guru then. In the ordinary life, a limited being lives in the conviction that he is his body and mind.

Final liberation means getting freed from all that false identification with body and mind, which allows one to enjoy his essential nature, which is divine and mainly consists of Bliss and Freedom.

What most people call freedom is not real Freedom. As they are mostly identified with their physical bodies, they think that bodies moving freely is synonymous with real Freedom. And as they are also identified with their minds, they think that freedom to think this and not that, and express it "freely" with no censure, is real Freedom. But they are in bondage anyway, because they are constantly dependent on body and mind, and on all that happens to those two.

For example: If a mother have just lost his son in a multitude, she cannot be immensely Blissful while she looks for him. NO, she will be generally desperate, full of anguish and fear, and so forth. This is an example of bondage.

As bondage is usual, the vast majority of people think about it as "real life", but it is just garbage in the truest sense of word. A liberated person can be Blissful even in the middle of horrible events. He is not dependent on body, mind and external things related to those two for his happiness.

Another example is the usual question of: "this problem is followed by another problem."

Most people are convinced that if they solve this problem they will finally be happy, but soon they notice that a new problem comes up.

This is also like a wheel of pain, one problem following another problem, and one having to solve them all in order to be happy. This will never lead to real Happiness because it is a trap that the śakticakra (group of powers) laid for the limited individual (Śiva appearing as puruṣa or aṇu).

A real disciple wants a definitive solution to all the problems and not merely continuing to solve problem after problem as the ordinary people do.

This definitive solution amounts to final liberation or a recognition of one's own true essential nature. This is the Supreme Goal (parama-artha) in life. The rest of goals are not supreme but merely worldly and consequently temporary and secondary.

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