Parabhairavayoga Foundation
Discover your Freedom

Parabhairavayoga is something like Trika Shaivism (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) simplified for the attainment of Liberation as quickly as possible. Although Trika Shaivism is made up of four philosophical schools, Parabhairavayoga places emphasis on only two of them. Why was this done? Because Trika Shaivism is a universe of scholarly knowledge that not everyone can access. To give access to more people, especially in the West, Parabhairavayoga was created.
The Parabhairavayoga community began in February 2016 with the founding of Parabhairavayoga by Guru Gabriel Pradīpaka (affectionately called: Gurujī). The community had a strong presence for almost five years. There was even a Parabhairavayoga center in Budapest, Hungary, for a while.
Then, for various reasons, that preliminary community went through a strong change, as if it were giving birth to a new life. Some people left and new people arrived. Starting in January 2021, Gurujī and his wife Natalia Ambikā (affectionately called Gurumā) launched an online community on Telegram called Parabhairavayoga Group. This Telegram Group is still going strong to this day and is a great source of information and teachings about Parabhairavayoga and Trika Shaivism (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) as a whole. In addition to these activities, Gurujī holds weekly satsaṅga-s (meetings) via Zoom that are recorded on video and uploaded to his YouTube channel.

Paramārthasāra Seminar at Osmania University, Hyderabad, India (2016)

Śivasūtra-s Seminar in Budapest (2018)

During all these last years, some people have left and new people have arrived. However, it can now be said that there is a group of people who form a strong nucleus in the community. So much so that it has been decided to go for more.
Well, this has been a summary of the history of our beloved community.
Parabhairavayoga Community in Hungary (2019-2020)

Gabriel Pradīpaka belongs to the lineage of Bhagavān Nityānanda, the Guru of his Guru, with Svāmī Muktānanda Paramahaṁsa being his Guru. Also, he considers Svāmī Lakṣmaṇa Joo as his Guru of Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir.Inspired by the task of Svāmī Muktānanda Paramahaṁsa who brought Non-dual Shaivism from Kashmir to the West, Gurujī has undertaken the mission of introducing people all over the world to the treasure of this amazing Teaching.
More information: see official lineage of Bhagavān Nityānanda.
We are pleased to announce the auspicious project of forming an Āśrama in Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Its purpose is to provide all those aspirants who wish to dedicate their lives to Liberation with refuge.
In order for this mission to be carried out, we need to raise a large amount of funds in order to cover the costs for the construction of the Āśrama.